Explore histories of migration, citizenship and belonging in Germany and the U.S. over the centuries.
Germany-Kosovo Readmission Agreement
The Kosovo War of 1999 resulted in the displacement of approximately
250,000 people. Many came to Germany, looking for asylum and the possibility to start their life in a safer place. Nearly ten years later, in the context of the “Readmission agreement” between Germany and Kosovo, a wave of mass deportations starts.
Pressegespräch anlässlich der Innenministerkonferenz: Kenan Emini
Kenan Emini, Roma-Center Göttingen e.V. /Kampagne "alle bleiben" spricht über die Situation der Roma in Deutschland und fordert einen Abschiebestopp
Esat Ahmeti. Romaflüchtlinge aus dem Kosovo: Abschiebung in bittere Armut?. Deutsche Welle). Herausgegeben von Bernd Johann. November 19, 2009. Aufgerufen am: August 17, 2015.
Bekim Shehu, Bahri Cani. Abschiebung – und was dann?. Herausgegeben von Birgit Görtz. October 22, 2009. Aufgerufen am: May 1, 2015.